    Water oil ink glass amplifiers pumps DMX valves.

Klepsydra is an audio visual instrument commissioned by Dag in De Branding Festival for a performance of the composition 'Klepsydra' by Kate Moore. Klepsydra is the Greek name for hourglass. Ink drips through automated drippers from the ceiling and hits amplified dishes submerged in large aquariums. The ink continues to drip in the water, creating swirling abstract landscapes until the water is completely shrouded in heavy plumes of dark ink. Meanwhile, the image of the glass is projected upside down so that the ink clouds appear to be rising.

  • De School

    Amsterdam (NL)

  • 17.10.2019 21.10.2019
  • Nacht van de Tweede Haagse School, Dag in de Branding. Korzo

    The Hague (NL)

  • 08.12.2016 08.12.2016
  • We Are Public, PiP

    The Hague (NL)

  • 12.08.2016 12.08.2016